October 30, 2010

Visited the old alma mater. Ran around campus. Lots of changes and construction going on. Still was scenic 5 mile run.

October 29, 2010

5 miles on a TGIF morning.  Temps were in the high 30's. Regardless, got it done! Staying motivated, staying active!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1078.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 28, 2010

4 miles on a cool morning.  Cold front supposed to arrive some time; will bring possible frost.  Oh well, get the Under Armour ready!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1073.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 27, 2010

5k this morning; cool with calm winds.  Mid-week slide has begun!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1069.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 26, 2010

4.5 miles this morning. Cooler temps, less wind, and a nice day forecasted.  Week is flying by even though it is only Tuesday,  Gotta like it!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1066.8 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 25, 2010

5k on a Monday morning.  Overcast skies with humidity.  Got it done, staying motivated!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1062.3 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 23, 2010

5k run around the local community lake; great run... even with rain clouds brewing.  Even better. Texas Rangers made it to the World Series!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1059.2 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 22, 2010

5k this TGIF!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1056.1 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 21, 2010

5k to mark the downward slide into the weekend.  Nice and cool morning but rain is forecasted later this week/weekend. Till then, enjoying the temps!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1053.0 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 20, 2010

Midweek run started out as a 5k, ended up as a 5 mile run instead.  Staying motivated!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1049.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

Octoer 19, 2010

4 miles this morning.... Still a case of the "Muhndays" but it's Tuesday, so it's back to work!  Even missed yesterday's date was the 18th not the 17th. Sad smile emoticon
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1044.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 17, 2010

Weekend did not go slow.... work week begins with a 5k to start Monday.
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1040.9 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 16, 2010

4 miles on a mid-40's temp Saturday morning.  Really Iike the cool temps when running.  Weekend isn't going slow like I hoped, gotta enjoy every minute.... even with a Rangers blowing  5 run lead!  Hope today's game goes better!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1037.8 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 15, 2010

4 miles on another TGIF!  Week went by quick; hope the weekend goes slooooowwwww....!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1033.8 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 14, 2010

4 miles this morning.  Glad Thursday is here, already ready for Friday!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1029.8 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 13, 2010

5k again to mark the mid-week work week!  Cool mornings and busy days really making the time pass quickly.
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1025.8 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 12, 2010

5k to begin Tuesday; it's done.  Now back to work!  Busy, busy, busy,....
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1022.7 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 11, 2010

4 miles on the treadmill this morning.  Rainstorm came in last night, and then the rain stayed till the morning.   Good start for the work/workout week!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1019.6 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 9, 2010

5k again.... have to get on the road for a mix of personal and business reasons. 
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1015.6 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 8, 2010

5k this morning.  Getting it done, but gotta go.... Work, work, work,...!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1012.5 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 7, 2010

3.2 miles on an early morning run.  Lots to do today, had to knock this one out sooner than later.  Else, would have missed a day.  A No, No when trying to stay motivated!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1009.4 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 6, 2010

Early start this morning to knock out a 5k run.  Got it done!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1006.2 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 5, 2010

Another 4.5 mile workout. Got it done, but gotta go.... The Salt Mines beckon!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 1003.1 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 4, 2010

4.5 mile to start the workout week!  Really nice weather, tough not to run in this weather.
Shoe mileage for 2010: 998.6 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 75
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 2, 2010

Early start today, knocked out a 4 mile run on the treadmill.  Insomnia keeping me awake.
Shoe mileage for 2010: 994.1 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 70
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

October 1, 2010

4  miles yesterday ended September; 4 miles today begins October!  TGIF, College Football Games Saturday, NFL Sunday,... Sounds like a busy weekend ahead doing other things than work!
Shoe mileage for 2010: 990.1 miles
Daily Push-Ups: 70
Daily Sit-Ups: 100

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