TGIF! And,... completed a 3.25 mile run. Cannot wait for the weekend to hit. Been catching Shad in preparation for another trip to Denison Dam and the Striped Bass.
New week, new shoes, a 4.2 mile run to break them in. Reset the counter to start tracking mileage on the new pair of shoes. Replaced the last pair at 672.5 miles. The ones before them were around 600 miles. Let's see if the new ones hold just as well as the last two - same brand and model.
Out late last night - Fishing! Did run this AM. Ran 3.2 miles slowly. New shoes came in. Will reset the counter Monday. For now, get a break on Sunday to rest the feet.
On the road today in Kansas. But, knocked out a 4 mile run. New shoes are shipped. Should arrive soon. Ready to replace the ones I have. Knees are reminding me daily.
Monday brings another week and another run. Completed 3.5 miles to get the body moving. Did have a great weekend of fishing the Red River below Denison Dam!
Shoe mileage to date: 654.80 miles
FYI: Ordered another pair of shoes from an online retailer. Same size and model. Will reset the mileage counter. Thoughts are running shoes need to be replaced around the 600 mile mark at least in my case.
Start the month of July like the end of June with a 4.1 mile run. A few more days and the weekend is here. Did finish the script that I was working; now let's work on emails.